Now, wasn't that a long absence? Four WHOLE days! I think... Now, I can either fill up space with useless apologies, or get to the point of this post. I think I shall go with the latter. Today was quite an eventful day. Work was a whirlwind of busy-ness. Thank goodness this day is over. Now, I'm sitting here, enjoying "exotic" potstickers and soy sauce. You know what? I think everyone should make up 5 random sentences before the day is over. Here are my 5:
1. Drink a bucket of eagle's breath and you will stay smart forever.
2. I've never seen a goldfish frown.
3. Is there a such thing as a pepper farm?
4. Follow your head and not your heart, and you will end up depressed for life.
5. "Only idiots believe what they read in the paper."- ???

If somebody can guess who said the last quote, that person can decide the topic of a post. This window of opportunity will close on July 8th. Long time, I know. One guess per day please. Here's a hint: It's from a kids movie.

And that wraps up today's short post.